
Family Court is a Fraud

Did you know that the court cannot be used to change an agreement or create new terms of an agreement? Marriage is an established collection of agreements, arrangements, stipulations, terms and understandings.  The court has a duty to preserve the status quo and yet the first thing it does in a divorce petition is tell […]

Updated January 24, 2024

About Course

Did you know that the court cannot be used to change an agreement or create new terms of an agreement?

Marriage is an established collection of agreements, arrangements, stipulations, terms and understandings.  The court has a duty to preserve the status quo and yet the first thing it does in a divorce petition is tell the parties to disclose all assets so they can be divided, completely ignoring the manner in which the husband, wife and children were already benefiting from these arrangements.  The family court should not exist.  The state trial court has the ability to dissolve marriages, and that is where its authority ends.  It has no authority to require the husband to arbitrarily re-allocate his money and resources, and especially, cannot threaten husbands and fathers with contempt for refusing to allow the court to interfere.

Men are usually the victims of family court and this video series, while it can help husband or wife, is focused on showing men how to prevent family court from taking their property and destroying their ability to create wealth and most importantly, stop imposing unfair child custody terms.  Subscribe to this video series and learn how to retain control of your money, property and parental rights while preventing the court from intruding into your private family affairs.


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Course Content

Divorcing The State Summary

  • DS1 – The Role of Post-Nuptial Agreements in Divorcing the State from Marriage
  • DS2 – Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Attack on Privacy and Families
  • DS3 – Arbitration Insights: From Privacy to Practical Application
  • Leason 4 Emplowing Families – A guide to Post-Nupitual Agreements for Privacy in Court
  • Leason 5 S5 – The Role of a Father and Husband Legal Boundaries and Natural Rights
  • Lesson 6 Roles and Responsibilities The Trustee in Marriage and Society
  • Lesson 7 Understanding the Foundations of Trust and Jurisdiction in Family Law A Deep Dive into Relationships, Nature, and Legalit
  • Lesson Understanding the Jurisdictional Limits of Family Courts
  • Lesson 9 Privacy and Protection of Marital Assets The Role of Chattels Trust
  • Lesson 10 October 2, 2023 Overview for Review

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Family Court is a Fraud
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