Legally Avoid FinCEN Reporting for LLCs
See video on this subject [convert to link:] on this subject, but if you are concerned that the new FinCEN reporting regulations for your LLC are a problem, we have several solutions. John Jay Singleton with Ace of Coins uses his thirty years of expertise to write a one-of-a-kind LLC and operating agreement that […]
About Course
See video on this subject [convert to link:] on this subject, but if you are concerned that the new FinCEN reporting regulations for your LLC are a problem, we have several solutions. John Jay Singleton with Ace of Coins uses his thirty years of expertise to write a one-of-a-kind LLC and operating agreement that completely and legally avoids FinCEN regulations. First, we will accept what you believe to be the liability from the new FinCEN regulation by acting as your LLC’s corporate organizer and compliance officer under written contract. Second, we have two different and new LLC structures that prevent your LLC from being subject to the Bank Secrecy Act regarding 25% beneficial ownership.